Cornerstone Library

The Cornerstone Church library was set up by Beverly Monroe in 2003. Through the years hundreds of books and DVDs have been donated. These include Christian based fiction as well as nonfiction, The library is available to all members and visitors.
Entering the library, the DVD and CD rack is on the left. Straight ahead are the shelves containing children and young adult books. Continuing clockwise around the room, shelves contain adult fiction, reference, theology, counseling, devotionals, and biographies.
All the books are cataloged with the Dewey Decimal System.
On the back wall you will see drawers marked Subject, Author, and Title. If you want to find a particular resource, you will find its catalog number on a card in these drawers, and then the book by its sequence number on the shelves.
Upon finding a book or DVD you want, remove the card in the back, sign your name and the date on the card, and put in the box so designated.
You may have it checked out for 2 weeks. (There is no late fee.) When you return it, just place it in the box. The library elf will replace the card and re-shelve the book or DVD (so it will get back to where she wants it.)
Need help?
Call Librarian, Sandy Sawyer, phone number in the church directory